Be Always On The Alert While On Time Charter伊人网
(C-Captain A-Agent)
C: Good afternoon, agent. I was sent word you wanted to see me. What’s the problem?
A: Good afternoon, captain. I’ve been waiting for you. I was told that on you last trip the charterers gave you an illegitimate order against the charter party. You did right to refuse to act upon it. Will you please go into the details?
C: As an agent, you know very well that almost every dispute involves a large sum in claims. In order to avoid possible complication, I then insisted on the charterers’ instructions being signed in written form.
A: Oh, you were right. Under such circumstances you didn’t hesitate to request confirmation in writing of the instruction which had been given to you only orally,
C: It was quite natural to do so since the charter party stipulated that the charterers must give every instruction in written form.
A: I was told by the stevedores that the steel pipes had been loaded in disorder without the required separation. Stacks of metal were piled up in a cross-cross way. The ends of the pipes of on stack were caught between stacks, and a large number of pipes were deformed during transportation.
C: I’m sorry to say that their allegation is entirely absurd, it was the stevedores who were liable for damage resulting from their incorrect methods of unloading metal. In regard to our loading, it was beyond reproach. The charterers’ representatives were in attendance on steel loading, and they can confirm that the cargo was stowed in compliance with the sea transportation regulations.
A: According to what you just said it sounds reasonable, but can you present a spot statement of facts signed by the charterers for acknowledgement?
C: Yes, of course, I’ve made it out to protect our ship-owners from the charterers’ damaged cargo claims. It reads as follows: “I, captain of the M/V HAIHE, hereby confirm that M/V HAIHE under my command, has completed loading in accordance with the charterers’ instructions and to their satisfaction. The stowage has also met their requirements. As to any objections to loaded tonnage or stowage, you are kindly requested to notify me at once, So that I may make the appropriate arrangements”.
A: I’m convinced you’ll get rid of the blame placed by the charterers. But as to the case of a claim for short delivery, I don’t quite understand you. Captain, what prevented you from putting some remarks on the mate’s receipt at the port of loading?
C: Because the charterers wrongly insisted on having no remarks put on the mate’s receipt, despite my request, as I was afraid the dispute would delay our sailing departure, I had prepared a protecting letter.
A: What should the wording of such a letter be?
C: I wrote in the following manner:
“Dear Sir,
Failing to make appropriate remarks on the mate’s receipt due to objections of the charterers, I hereby do not hold myself responsible for any results that may be incurred by the above discrepancy in any circumstances.”
A: I suppose you did your utmost to obtain the signature of the responsible party but you failed to get it.
C: Yes, I should arrange for a competent surveyor to conduct a cargo condition survey.
A: I think it’s a good idea. I quit agree with you on this point.